Wednesday, September 23, 2009

†"Adapting to Diverse Science Culture for Development"†

We usually celebrated Science in the month of September. The theme is "Adapting to Diverse Science Culture for Development". What does the theme means?

To widen this we need to help the employees of Department of Health as well as the barangay health worker in cleaning our environment and sorroundings to control all kinds of sickness and vital diseases. To eradicate them we must put away all kinds of garbage in their proper places so that the files will not scatter and the virus will not spread that can cause sickness. 3R (Reduce, reuse,recycle). We must make a waste basket for the decaying and also for the non-decaying waste materials.

Adapting to Diverse Science Culture for Development is on how to control and to eradicate population as well as micro-organisms that causes vital sickness in every human being.

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